Hello (Neo)Vim, good to see you again!

It’s weird that I am writing about editors so much but trying a new editor every few months kind of became a tradition. It spices things up and allows me to learn something new that I maybe didn’t know yet before. Or just discover a new tool that improves my workflow. When I wrote about spacemacs, I thought spacemacs would be the thing that I would use for everything. Then I ported it to atom with proton and thought that would be the tool I would be using for everything since I could just implement features on the spot that it didn’t have yet. So what happened that I am writing about editors again? ...

January 22, 2016 · 4 min · 690 words

Sweet, sweet Elixir - the language of my dreams?

I like learning new languages, I think that’s no secret. It’s a fun task that teaches you new interesting takes on existing problems. A language can make your programmers life very easy but could also turn it into a living hell. In fact, I am always on the hunt to find the perfect language for me. That thing that I want to use for everything. Meet ClojureScript Lately I’ve been doing a lot of clojure. I am glad that I finally arrived at a point where I don’t have to look into the documentation just to find out how to append something to a vector. Clojure is extremely well designed. I learned a lot just by listening to talks (especially the rich hickey ones!) and reading about the languages’ core concepts and the reasons behind them. But above all, Clojure is just fun to use and ClojureScript is even more fun! I love using it and even wrote a MarkDown editor in it. Lately clojurescript ended up becoming the magic that fueles my entire main editor. ...

January 22, 2016 · 8 min · 1667 words