Going native with om.next

I mentioned already earlier that I believe om.next will be the future. Not particular om itself but the idea it implements: demand driven applications. The component declares what data it needs and the server is just there for delivering it. Components don’t want to coordinate 20 ajax requests just to gather all the data they need to operate. Components also don’t need all of the data your API provides in most cases, so why even the need to download all of it? ...

October 27, 2015 · 3 min · 638 words

MarkRight - a markdown editor in om+electron

If you follow clojurescript development you might have already heard about the next iteration of om, om.next. om.next is David Nolens attempt to bring together what big companies like facebook with relay and netflix with falcor are doing at the moment. I will not go into detail but instead of REST, it implements a architecture in which components clearly declare what kind of data they need to operate. A server / router is then gathering that data and passing it back. Instead of multiple REST endpoints, you’ll end up with 1 graph endpoint that understands the client query. ...

October 22, 2015 · 2 min · 392 words

My Dream Editor

Today, let’s talk about editors. Why? Because currently there are more editors than anything else. Microsoft decided to launch an editor, github decided to launch an editor - heck, even facebook suddenly invests into editors. We have closed source ones, open source ones, big full powered IDEs and of course the old school family. The good thing, I actually like playing with editors. Sometimes I feel like just opening a new tool and test it out. Because of that I discovered SublimeText from NetBeans / PHPStorm. Because of that I also switched from SublimeText to VIM and later back to intellij. I love to constantly improve my workflow and find new ways to get even more productive. ...

October 13, 2015 · 3 min · 602 words

A new blog

I decided to create another simple blog based on jekyll next to my medium one. Why? let me explain. Medium is an amazing platform for writing. That’s what works really damn good on it. But writing doesn’t equal blog. Medium is a magazine - a collection of articles and columns from individual writers. When you see a post about ‘How to set up php’ with a big editorial picture and a ton of quotes, don’t you also think that it kind of feels… out of place? ...

October 11, 2015 · 1 min · 200 words