Here’s a fresh new release of my little Masked Email Manager app that I previously talked about. The major new feature is Siri Shortcuts integration, which makes it possible to create Masked Emails without even opening the app.
Get the latest version on the App Store
This was my first time working with Siri Shortcuts on the development side, so it was interesting to see what happens behind the scenes when a Shortcut triggers.
Some cool stuff you can do with this:
- Create Masked Emails for websites without using 1Password or Keyboard Maestro
- Quickly trigger from Widgets or Control Center items on iOS, for example when in a hotel
- Use Shortery to bind a keyboard shortcut to triggering the creation of a new Masked Email
Here’s a quick example Shortcut that reads what’s on screen (e.g., the website of a browser), parses it, and if it finds a domain it directly creates a Masked Email that it then copies to clipboard:
An actual native app since 2.0 (with a twist)
The app has undergone significant changes since I last wrote about it. With version 2.0, the app was completely rewritten in SwiftUI, saying farewell to React Native.
The cool thing is that it’s still powered by the same tech, mainly my maskedemail-cli. Previously, I compiled it from Golang into WASM (which didn’t go so well), then into GopherJS and embedded it into the React Native app.
Now with everything being Swift, we no longer need GopherJS. Instead, it’s using gomobile to build a native iOS .xcframework which is then embedded into the app.